Borneo Post, Photo Credit to
clock 02-04-2018
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RM15.4mil to Resolve Infrastructure Problems in Manggatal, Sepanggar

The Economic Planning Unit has approved RM15.4 million to resolve problems involving the basic public infrastructure in Manggatal and Sepanggar.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan said the bulk of the allocation, about RM11 million, would go towards improving and repairing roads in the area while the balance for drainage as well as resolving other problems.

Speaking to reporters after visiting Taman Wijaya Park and Indah Permai on Sunday, 1 April, Abdul Rahman said City Hall would be implementing the projects.

There were complaints from Indah Permai folks about a few roads that are critical from the aspect of its importance there which are full of potholes making it difficult for vehicles to cross, he said.

"I have received an application from City Hall for allocation to resolve this problem, including other issues involving basic infrastructure like drainage and I have approved RM15.4 million to resolve the problems in nine areas.

"RM11 million will be for road repair and this will make vehicle movement in the commercial and residential areas here as well as in KKIP, Indah Permai, Kingfisher, Kampung Warisan Kaliangau, Manggatal, Inanam Kionsom, Kolombong and Jalan Sinulihan Dambai smoother.

"At the moment when they slow down to avoid or navigate around the potholes on the road, it causes a traffic jam which can be quite severe during peak hours. EPU is working with City Hall to resolve this issue. The allocation was approved with the hope that when the problem is resolved, traffic flow will be smoother" he said.

Abdul Rahman also urged the residents not to be too dependent on the government to resolve issues.

If they can resolve minor problems through gotong-royong, then they should go ahead and do it, he said and assured the residents that he, together with the Karambunai state assembly service centre will assist.

Meanwhile, Anidah Hartini Awang Said from City Hall's Community Wellbeing Department said the procurement process of the projects is ongoing and everything is expected to commence in two weeks' time.

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