Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 21-03-2018
hit 696
State Government Strives to Enhance Regulation on Strata Titles

Sarawak is determined to benchmark itself against other places around the world in terms of the issuance of strata titles for buildings.

This matter is particularly relevant to the situation where more multiple-use and multiple types of developments are taking place across the state, which may face some constraints under the existing Strata Titles Ordinance (STO) 1995.

In this regard, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan is conducting a four-day technical visit to Hong Kong, due to conclude tomorrow (March 22).

His 16-member delegation includes Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian, Assistant Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datu Len Talif Salleh, Assistant Minister of Housing and Public Health Dr Annuar Rapaee and State Attorney-General Datuk Talat Mahmood Abdul Rashid.

In his remarks after speaking to Hong Kong authorities during a meeting yesterday, Awang Tengah said the strata type of development is not new to Sarawak. He said, the first STO was enacted in 1974, before the re-enactment in 1995 and has been in use since.

"However, as the complexity of development and demands increases, the current law is now inadequate in coping with the changing trends and needs. Additionally, strata management is not adequately covered.”

Awang Tengah - also Second Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources - said Sarawak is now in the process of amending the STO, which includes the drafting of a new Strata Management Ordinance.

"In doing this, the state leadership feels that it is very important that we benchmark (Sarawak) against the laws, regulations and practices in other countries that have more experience in strata development and living" he said.

Awang Tengah said the Hong Kong visit is meant to study the country's scope of and experience in strata development and management, apart from studying its legislations and practices in the registration and issuance of titles, as well as the management of various types of strata development - multi-storey, landed, and also mixed-use schemes.

"Additionally, the visit is also aimed at learning from other countries' approach in dealing with issues, disputes and tribunals in managing community living and management corporations, including those relating to public or affordable housing schemes.

"The trip is also to allow better understanding of related issues such as phased development or construction, flexibility of allowing design changes or building plan amendments in approved strata schemes, share units and share value allocation, acquisition of strata properties, and also termination of strata schemes" he added.

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