Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 20-03-2018
hit 523
Traffic Controllers a Must to Oversee Heavy Vehicle Movement Along Highway

The presence of traffic controllers along stretches of the Pan Borneo Highway where there is a movement of heavy vehicles is a must.

Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said standard operating procedures dictate that traffic controllers need to be present at such areas to ensure smooth traffic flow.

"Based on SOP (standard operating procedures), they (contractors) must have traffic controllers to let the heavy vehicles move in and out.

"If there are complaints, we (ministry) can investigate and take action" he said when asked to comment on roadworks along the Pan Borneo Highway, where traffic cones are put up in areas with heavy vehicles movement, but with no traffic controller present.

Fadillah said there is a taskforce as well as a WhatsApp group comprising all work package contractors involved in the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway.

"All complaints will be directed there (taskforce and WhatsApp group). If there are complaints and it happens repeatedly after warning, a third party will be appointed to handle the traffic control and signages, and the cost of hiring the third party will be deducted from the contract price.”

Fadillah was met after launching the Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman Hall at Kampung Paroh in Matang, along with an ‘In-Kind Grand Contribution' presentation on Sunday, 18 March.

The RM300,000 grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry via the Malaysia Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) is for the village's red tilapia fish farming project.

For this project, 20 youths aged between 18 to 40 years old were selected and trained for fish farming. The project is monitored and the fish are marketed by LKIM business partners.

"I hope the young entrepreneurs can really master it (fish farming) and become successful agropreneurs. It can increase the social economy of the local community" said Fadillah.

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