Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 23-11-2017
hit 3,885
Pan Borneo Contractors Unlikely to Be 100% Local

State opposition leader Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib strongly stated that the Pan Borneo Highway project would involve 100 percent, local contractors.

Instead, he said, the Works Minister only give 'hint' or 'clue' that the mega project also open to outside companies with an excuse that Sabah lacks eligible contractors.

Therefore, he said the announcement of full use of local contractors are just only to make the people of Sabah feel good.

"While Sabah is still expecting funds from Federal for the Pan Borneo Highway project, billions of Ringgit has been prepared for modernisation and upgrade of infrastructure and transportation system in the peninsula.

"Among them is the RM32 billion fund for the MRT2 project, Coastal Highway from Banting Selangor to Taiping, Perak for a cost of RM5 billion, and East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) that connects Klang Port with Pengkalan Kubor in Kelantan.

"While the people in Sabah only possess a locomotive left over by the British to be used along 134 kilometres of the railway from Tenom to Tanjung Aru," he said.

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