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Seal the Deal Series: How to Double Your Real Estate Leads in 30 Days With This Simple Strategy
08 Oct 18
clock 08-10-2018
hit 1,577

The most efficient and easiest strategy to get more real estate leads will be presented to you today. The reason for it's simplicity is the fact that you don't need any tools, website, money, or even a brain!

In your Real Estate business, there are multiple ways to get leads. There is a passive and active method. Although I personally prefer the active method, it does not mean the passive method is not as effective.

Actually, I know a big group of agents that are very successful with passive lead generation. Read our blog: 22 ways to generate more real estate leads

The struggling part for most real estate professionals is the implementation of an idea or strategy. It sometimes takes them months, or even years, to figure out a specific way to gain more leads.

Well, here's one strategy you can start with right now that will give you so much return in terms of leads. I call it, ‘Connect with 5 New People Every Day' Method.What does it mean? Well, it's simple! Connect with 5 new people (strangers) every day. Sure, I'll give you a day off on Sunday. So, for 6 days a week, you need to commit in connecting with 5 new people per day.

Is it that simple? It's suppose to be, but apparently it isn't to many agents. Why? This is because I have been giving this advice to so many agents over the past years and only 3-5% really commit to it.

So the question is, why are so many agents struggling with such a simple strategy?

  1. Fear of rejection 
  2. They don't like talking to strangers
  3. They don't think they have the time
  4. They don't trust the results
  5. They think they can't find 5 people a day 

If you ask the agents that truly believe in this strategy, they will tell you it boosted their career through the roof. Let me break it down for you. By connecting with 5 new people every day, you basically get 30 additional leads in your database per week. That's 1560 people per year! Now in this strategy, if you play it well, you should close at least 1 out of 100 people you connect with. Ultimately, you will close an additional 15 properties per year based on this structure. 

Sounds interesting right? However, I'm amazed that in a people business like real estate, agents are not getting out more to connect with people. In relation, you can connect with people anywhere, anytime!

Here's the examples of places you can connect:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Network events
  • Coffeehouse
  • Airport
  • Shopping mall 

Lastly, before you head off to connect, here's an extra advice! Don't be creepy and start talking about real estate the first second. Instead, reach out with a simple question such as, 'Hi John, how are you today?' Remember, it's all about connecting first. Take initiative and start connecting with 5 people today! I assure you, 6 months from now, you will thank yourself for taking that first step.

Series 1: 3 Things You Should Do to Jump Start Your Real Estate Career

Series 2: 6 Reasons Why You're Not Closing Sales as A Real Estate Agent

Propcoach Introduction

Coach Taco Heidinga and Coach Alexander See are both founders of Propcoach , a coaching , consulting and training company for the real estate professionals of Malaysia.

Their mission is to create real estate business leaders who empower each other to impact and build the communities around them. With their vision of transforming lives through education, their goal is to empower those in real estate. Firstly, to be free and able to run purposeful and successful business. Ultimately, to lead by example and bring positive change to society.

This far, they are grateful to have been given opportunities to speak at various events and conferences, such as the iProperty Learning & Network Session, Affordable Housing Conference 2018, EPIC Homes & the KL Career Fair. In addition, they have also been invited to speak at educational fairs organized by colleges, such as Portman College in Seri Kembangan.

With their dedication and passion in sharing the fundamentals of business growth, sales, leadership, and personal development, many real estate professionals has been inspired to strive for their dreams and realise their greatest potential.

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