By Property Hunter
clock 20-06-2022
hit 1,524
What Is Rent-to-Own? How Does It Work?

Rent-to-own (RTO), often known as lease-to-own, is an arrangement that allows a person to buy a rented property from the owner after a certain duration of time has passed. 

In a rent-to-own agreement, renters have the option to buy the place that they are renting one day. Usually the monthly payments include rent and additional money that can go towards a possible down payment on that home in the future. 

The duration varies depending on the conditions. Some people may rent it for five years, while others may rent it for ten years. The buyer gets the opportunity to acquire the property at the end of this contract. That's where the term "rent-to-own" comes from.

Another appealing element of this scheme is that buyers are not needed to pay hefty down payments, which is a standard requirement when purchasing a home in Malaysia.

The most significant distinction between RTOs and regular property purchases is the financial aspect. You'll have to pay a lot more for the down payment (about 10% of the home price) than you would for a 3-month rental down payment, which only requires 1-2 percent of the property price.

The rent-to-own opion can also benefit buyers who lack a good credit score. 

RTO properties are still limited in Malaysia, so take advantage of it if you can and are comfortable with the arrangements. Go for the choice that makes the most sense to your finances and circumstances. 

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