Daily Express, Photo Credit to KREM.com
clock 07-10-2020
hit 2,119
Used Oil Processing Plant Causes Fire at KKIP

A used oil processing plant at the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) was half destroyed in a fire on Tuesday.

The Sabah Operation Movement Centre (PGO) under the State Fire and Rescue Department received an emergency call at 8.30am via MERS 999 and deployed 35 personnel, three Fire Rescue Tender (FRT), two water tankers, two Emergency Medical Rescue Services (EMRS) vehicle and three utility vehicles led by Senior Officer, Mohamad Faizal Alias.

According to the Operation Commander, the fire involved a non-permanent factory which was destroyed 45 per cent.

“Firemen stopped the fire from spreading and bring it under control at 10:01am and ended the operation at 10:13 am.

“No casualties were reported and the cause and loss are still under investigation,” he said. Also present was the State Fire and Rescue headquarters Officer, Alias Abu.

In SANDAKAN, three houses were destroyed in a fire in Kg Kenangan Manis, Batu 12, Tuesday evening.

The Sabah Operation Movement Centre (PGO) received an emergency call at 2.45pm via MERS 999 and deployed 15 personnel, two Fire Rescue Tender (FRT), one water tanker, one Emergency Medical Rescue Services (EMRS) vehicle and utility vehicles led by Senior Officer, Chauslim Sunsubin.

District Fire and Rescue Department Chief, Jimmy Lagung said firemen stopped the fire from spreading and subsequently managed to control it at 3.54pm and ended the operation completely at 5.40pm.

“No casualties were reported and the cause and estimated loss is still under investigation by the Sandakan Zone Investigation Division,” he said.

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