Borneo Today, Photo Credit to Borneo Today
clock 25-08-2020
hit 3,276
Developer Announces Multi-Billion Ringgit Project at Dumpil Bay Too Soon

Earlier this month, a RM10 billion development at Dumpil Bay, along the Kota Kinabalu-Putatan Lok Kawi Highway, was announced by Setera Juara Sdn Bhd in a local newspaper. The Putatan District Council would like to clarify that the proposed project has not been approved by relevant authorities yet.

“While the government welcomes investment into the state which will generate more economic activities and more jobs for the rakyat, the proposed project has not been approved by the relevant authorities yet,” it said, in a statement here.

The conceptual development plan (Preliminary DP) has been submitted to the state Planning Council (Majlis Perancang Negeri (MPN) on 4 August 2020 for comment and approval and suitability of the zones.

“However, the MPN which is chaired by the Local Government and Housing Minister can only meet after the (state) election pending the appointment of a Minister of Local Government and Housing. Once the MPN has approved the zone suitability, the DP will be circulated to all the relevant technical departments for comments.”

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