Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Photo by @thiszun (follow me on IG, FB) from Pexels
clock 1467d ago
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Uptick in the Co-Housing Trend the Right Way Forward for Malaysia?

Since the hit of the global pandemic, there has been an uprise for the need of a stronger community and healthier environment. As a result of this, it is expected to see an increase in the number of co-housing ventures with shared lifestyle values.

Co-housing developments are homes that individuals or families live in with shared spaces like gardens, gyms, rooms and laundries. People may opt for this kind of development for the opportunity to boost financial savings, reduce energy consumption and to join a community.

This practice of co-housing is well-established in Europe with co-housing developments in a town in Germany make up of  80% of their new builds. Here in Malaysia there are communities with shared amenities are becoming increasingly more common such as jogging tracks and communal herb gardens.

Malaysia should look into this way of life more as the coronavirus has forced everyone on a global scale to reevaluate their values and make changes to their routine habits. As it offers a more sustainable habitat and a strong sense of community, co housing could be a step forward in the right direction.

This article has been repurposed from an original article by Free Malaysia Today.

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