Photo Credit Joel Low, by Ayshea
clock 30-04-2020
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Sabah Real Estate Company Gets Innovative With New Online Selling Technique

Malaysians have been under the 2020 Malaysia Movement Control Order (MCO) for 6 weeks now. With this extended lockdown comes a novel way of life and those that are looking to succeed are learning to adapt and come up with innovative ways to move forward.

In the real estate world, leading players have started to adopt new skills and methods to operate online. Award-winning property consultant, Michael Yardney, said in a recent “Masterclass” webinar that the difference between the business people that are going to fail, survive or even thrive is the way they react to this time of crisis. You can either respond with fear or desire. You can panic and shut down, wait and maintain or you can actively position your business to thrive.

How To Grow Through This Crisis

If you have paid attention, you would have noticed industry professionals diving into practices similar to Yardney’s approach and have started doing live videos and webinars. You may have even done one yourself. The MCO has forced Malaysians to stay home and find ways to keep themselves busy so what better time than now to tune in to fun and insightful webinars? Now is a time to learn and get connected through media and videos are a great way to interact and engage with your audience.

While the pool of webinars may seem overcrowded, there are still ways to set yourself apart and solve solutions with live online videos. Leading property and investment company, IQI, has implemented new technology tools to sell and launch properties online. In early April they hosted their first live online preview of a development in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Finding Pockets Of Opportunity

Joel Low, Sabah’s team leader at IQI, hosted a private preview event where he spoke to Dato Seri Steve Low, the CEO of the developer for Likas Boulevard. The event was closed for potential investors who had to sign up beforehand.

Low told Property Hunter, “Most people are now used to using applications like Facebook Live and Zoom so we found this the right time to reap the fruits. To do this before MCO would have been a challenge, as people were busy with their daily routines away from their screens. It was not as necessary to learn how to use video conferencing tools before MCO. Now it is the only way and with that, we have found opportunities to move forward.”

First online private preview event with IQI Sabah and Likas Boulevard

There are always pockets of opportunity in every crisis, you just have to look in the right places. Are you connecting with your clients online during this critical time? Have you done what you can to optimise your business? Have you reevaluated how your business operates and considered making changes to adapt? Ask yourself - how can we work together to get through this period? Now is the time to connect with your clients like never before and prepare for when things bounce back because sooner or later, it will.

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