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clock 05-10-2019
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5 Myths About Social Media and Their Solutions (A Guide for Property Agents)

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, there are about 44% of people who have ventured to social media regarding properties for sale.

With regards to this information, it seems that creating a social media platform will help you reach more customers as compared to a flyer on the street. First-time users are plagued by the myths of social media, thus lowering their self-confidence in this digital age.

Now have no worries, let us have a look at these myths and the steps to overcome it all.

Myth 1 - “When I have a Facebook/Instagram account, the customer will automatically come to me.”

Having an account with irregular updates which is not managed properly, can upset the social media algorithm. For example, when a potential customer contacts you in September and they see your last update was in January, this creates a negative impression on your availability. 

To ensure your business is thriving, be consistent in your social media postings, thus building trust among your current and future clients.

Myth 2 - “Whenever an inspirational leader posts anything online, I’ll just share it on my platforms.”

Give your followers a taste of your personal life. There is no need to be a sheep and follow blindly. Crack a lame joke or tell them a story. By showing a piece of your personality, it lets your followers know that you’re more than just business.

Myths 3 - “What can I post if I can’t post much about the projects or properties? Or do I not post at all?”

Despite needing a regular schedule for your social media postings, you cannot post too much about the projects you are currently selling. Instead of spamming your followers, look at it with the eyes of a client. They would want to benefit from your posts and learn new things about the property market.

You can create content that assists your customers, such as the latest news about the market, tips, and guides on topics such as how to find the right property. It is also a good idea to provide postings such as success stories, client testimonials, and company milestones to build a professional image.

Myth 4 - “We spend so much time and money on advertising ourselves, yet why can’t we sell any of our projects/properties?”

You have to eliminate the mindset that having several social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter will automatically attract hundreds or thousands of potential clients.
It’s a nice thought, but the reality is that you will need to build a map to guide these potential clients to follow your online and offline presence.
Your 15 minute talk to an interested party at a property expo could evolve into an hour chat on Facebook the very next day.
With your online presence being introduced through conversations or a business card, the potential clients would see the information you’ve shared and sought you out as a reliable and trustworthy source.

Myth 5 - “They can Google me if they want to find me."

Unfortunately, Google does have its limitations. As a property agent, you will need to include your contact information in plain sight, on all of your Social Media platforms. Your clients will have a much easier time contacting you.

As a start, be sure to add the following in your “About Me” section:

  • Location

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Website and/or landing pages to capture leads

You can also optimize your Instagram to a business profile, which allows you to include contact buttons.

Congratulations, you now have a foundation on how to conquer social media! Now, that didn’t seem too hard, right? Just follow the simple guideline above and the possibility of getting a deal will become much higher than before.

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