Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
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RM8m Inanam Community Hall Underway

The aspiration of Inanam residents to have their own community hall to organise social and community activities will soon be realised following availability of State funds for the project, said Assemblyman Kenny Chua.

Kenny, who is also State Finance Assistant Minister, said he is pushing for the needed project for his constituency as the people have long been conducting their community events at the Manggatal community hall and other places.

He said it is time that Inanam residents get to enjoy using their own community hall which had been approved by then Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Planning Unit), Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who did the ground-breaking ceremony at the site prior to the 14th General Election (GE14).

“The people of Inanam are in need of such hall and I have followed up on this. As a result, RM8 million has been allocated and I am very pleased. The construction has been delayed due to few issues that need to be tackled,” he told Daily Express after a courtesy call by Kadazan Society Sabah Sepanggar main committee led by Chairman Datuk Andrew Lim, recently.

Kenny said the construction would kick off within this year as soon as the new design is ready. It would be built on a new area but within the same one-acre land next to the Tamu ground in Inanam township. City Hall would be responsible for the management of the hall and he called for parking bays to be included in the project.

Earlier, KSS Sepanggar Chairman Datuk Andrew Lim extended an invitation card to Kenny to be among the guests to its one-year-old anniversary celebration of Moginakan KSS Sepanggar to be held at his residence in Inanam on July 20.

He said it is the first time KSS Sepanggar is holding such an important event for its 600 members.

“We will present cash contributions to selected senior citizens and render financial assistance to several former Form Five students who excelled in the SPM examination 2018.”

“It will be a social gathering with KSS leaders and Kenny, who is a lifetime member of KSS,” Lim said. There will be traditional dishes of the Kadazan community in Inanam and Sepanggar and dance performances.

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