Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, Photo Credit to Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia
clock 18-06-2019
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Built Environment: An Alternative Guide to Japan

Come and experience a different side of Japan, from the perspective of its built environment. Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) — through the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival (KLAF2019) — together with The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur and REXKL present Built Environment: An Alternative Guide to Japan.

This travelling exhibition collates a collection of 80 architectural masterpieces through photographs, texts and videos, exhibiting the very essence that makes Japan the country that it is today. Showcasing buildings, civil-engineering projects and landscapes that extends from the modern era of the late 19th century to the present day, taken from the prefectures of Japan, and also evaluating them as products in a dialogue between historical and spatial contexts, visitors will gain a deeper understanding of Japanese history, environment and culture from a perspective rarely seen.

Being an archipelago of over 6,000 islands that stretches over 3,000km from north to south, the various regions of Japan experience the full complement of seasonal changes, distinguished by their highly diverse climate and geography. As one of the countries most affected by natural disasters, buildings and structures in Japan are built to withstand such occurrences, resulting in a varying architectural landscape that reflects the various regions' natural conditions.

Visitors can admire the intriguing design of buildings, civil engineering projects and landscapes in Built Environment: An Alternative Guide to Japan at REXKL from 12 June to 14 July 2019.

To enhance visitors' understanding of Japan's built environment, there will also be talks held at REXKL and Taylor's University Lakeside Campus by guest speaker, renowned architect Mr Takahashi Ippei, on 23 and 24 June respectively. The talk at REXKL, titled "Reviving Architecture: Community and Placemaking", together with Ng Sek San and Teoh Chee Keong, from 3pm-4pm. The talk at Taylor's University, titled "Explorations in Contemporary Japanese Architecture" is happening at Lecture Theatre 12, from 2pm-4.30pm. This exhibition and related talks are open to the public and admission are free.

KLAF2019 — organised by Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) — is the main event of the architectural calendar in Malaysia. This year, the core events run from 21 June to 7 July. There are four key topics — Shelter, Future Food, Architecture + Art and DATUM:KL + ARCHIDEX.

For more information on KLAF2019, visit their website or Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Keep updated with the latest news with the official KLAF app, available on the App Store and Google Play.

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