Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 12-06-2019
hit 1,735
Apas YB Committed to Improving Infrastructure

Apas Assemblyman Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan (pic) said he is committed to improving infrastructure development in his area.

"After being elected Apas Assemblyman and now being appointed as Tawau Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia protem division chief, I will focus on the development of basic needs.

"I see many old homes that need to be looked into," he said, adding he would also try to repair those in rural areas so the people can live comfortably.

He said he will also focus on enhancing the economy of youths in the area through various guidance to those involved to be successful entrepreneurs adding that youths should not rely on job opportunities in the government sector alone.

Nizam said this at his Open House at Wisma Keluarga Titingan, Jalan Banyan Drive Friday, which was attended by more than 5,000 visitors including local leaders. He also said the open house was able to strengthen the unity of the people of various races and religions in the district.

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