Bernama, Photo Credit to What Is There To Do In Melaka Malaysia
clock 08-05-2019
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Malaysia Tourism City Expected to Add 2 Million Tourist Arrivals to Melaka

In 2018, the average tourist arrival in Malaysia was 28 million, and 15 million for Melaka, with an average of 1.5 million overnight visitors. The Malaysia Tourism City (MTC) project in Kuala Linggi, Melaka, is expected to add two million tourist arrivals to the state, says Meridian Bhd.

Executive director Datuk Seth Yap Tin Hau said the MTC's goal is to increase tourist arrivals and prolong overnight stays.

"In 2018, the average tourist arrival in Malaysia was 28 million, and 15 million for Melaka, with an average of 1.5 million overnight visitors."

"With MTC, we target to increase another two million tourist arrivals and another additional 1.5 million overnight stay tourists in Melaka, thereby creating a multiplier effect on tourist receipt up to an additional RM5 billion per annum," he said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia.

The project was officially launched on 7 May 2019 by Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi and Seth.

Meridian said the flagship project's 251.77 hectares of land would be transformed into an integrated tourism destination.

"The preliminary plan for land use will be allocated for leisure and entertainment, commercial, retail, residential and other public uses," it said.

Mohamaddin said projects such as the MTC not only results in greater tourist inflows but also encourages spending in local businesses and employment opportunities.

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