Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 12-04-2019
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Group Demands Answers on 'Land Sale Fraud'

A group of majority shareholders of a registered local company are in the dark on why no action was taken by the relevant authorities against another company which allegedly used the same name as their company and sold a 2,000-acre land to a third party.

The shareholders of Kedatuan Sdn Bhd, namely Datin Terisah Bahan who holds 250 shares in the company, Koh Han Ting (also 250), Siti Hairani A Ghani (150), Nikomedis Binin (150), Dullah Asing (100) and Daumin Gimpoton (100), are now appealing for the Chief Minister's intervention on the matter.

"We want the 2,000-acre land which is rightfully ours. We, the true majority shareholders of Kedatuan Sdn Bhd, have never transferred or sold our shares in the company to others and never authorised any sale of the said land to a third party," said Terisah, representing the other shareholders.

According to her, the said land in Kota Belud was originally alienated to Raskan Asing and four others in 1978 before the alienation was transferred and offered on July 9, 1980, to Kedatuan Sdn Bhd, of which they are the majority shareholders.

Since the incorporation of the company, she said they as original shareholders had never sold or transferred their shares to any third party.

"However, certain individuals had purportedly and fraudulently signed the fresh offer to alienate land issued by the State Lands and Surveys Department on behalf of Kedatuan Sdn Bhd on July 10, 2008.

"They fraudulently removed our names as shareholders and the then directors of the company in the purported communication with the Lands and Surveys Department. The department's staff may have been involved in the fraud as the culprits had no legitimate or lawful authority to deal on behalf of our company with the department," she said.

She said the culprits purportedly sold their alleged 1,000 shares which were fraudulently declared to two others on 15 October 2008, and conspired to have them appointed as directors of Kedatuan Sdn Bhd.

She lodged seven police reports dated 30.01.2009, 18.07.2010, 19.10.2010, 13.07.2012, 25.03.2012, 13.08.2012 and 16.01.2014, since she found out about the existence of other company using their company's name and purportedly run by the culprits.

Surprisingly no action was taken against the culprits although it is clearly a fraud case, she said, adding the police, Malaysia Companies Commission (SSM) and State Lands and Surveys Department seem to just let it be.

"As for the alienation of the said land, we are pursuing to help of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal on this matter, with the assistance of the Law Minister, to rectify the injustice and have the alienation of the said land which has been tainted with fraud revoked and re-alienated to us as the rightful beneficiaries, which was the original intention of the alienation by the then Berjaya state government in appreciation of the contributions by our families to Sabah.

"We also request the Lands and Surveys Department to withhold and suspend all further dealings on the said land, including the issuance of the title to the said land and double transfers to any third party pending the resolution of our actions to recover the said land," said Terisah.

They also requested the Lands and Surveys Department to hold a land enquiry under Section 94 and 100 of the Sabah Land Ordinance (Cap.58).

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