Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 12-03-2019
hit 2,066
Sarawakians Rejoice Over Sarawak-Sabah Link Road Proposal

Sarawak federal government has approved the Sarawak-Sabah link road project. This is amazing news for Sarwakians, especially in the rural areas and those in Ulu Baram.

According to Minister Baru Bian, Ulu Baram residents have given very positive feedback as the project will open up greater opportunities for economic development to the community that is situated along the proposed road.

"The response from the rural communities in settlements along the proposed road is excellent, as they understand that this is the first federal road to come to their areas in the interiors of Miri, Limbang and Lawas.

"You can imagine, after over 50 years in Malaysia, this is the first time federal road will come to their areas and therefore, they are excited about the project," Baru told reporters during his visit here recently.

From Long Lama, Limbang and Lawas to Sabah without passing through Brunei will hopefully attract various activities, including agro tourism, says Baru.

"It is hoped that it would also boost rural income from various industries, especially agriculture, by allowing us to bring our homegrown produce to a wider market in the future," he added.

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