The Star, Photo Credit to The Star
clock 23-01-2019
hit 848
Groups Want in on Talks to Study Redevelopment of Tanjung Aru

Campaigners for the scrapping of the controversial re-development of the iconic Tanjung Aru beach are asking the state government for open discussions with civil societies.

These NGOs said that such discussions were necessary especially after the state government disclosed plans to re-study the Tanjung Aru Eco-Development (TAED) project pushed by the previous Barisan Nasional state government.

Land Empowerment Animals People (LEAP) chief executive Cynthia Ong said they fully supported a re-study of the project but this must include greater involvement of civil societies.

Based on existing TAED plans, Ong said that the redevelopment of Tanjung Aru would physically and culturally transform the popular Tanjung Aru beach and limit public access.

Thus, the input of civil societies was necessary, said Ong, whose NGO is among several groups campaigning against the redevelopment.

Welcoming a fuller study on the matter, she said they would like to be part of the discussion and once again share the outcome of public forums that were organised in the past.

"We are also prepared to support the process by convening more public forums to hear from a wider segment of stakeholders," she said in a statement.

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