kopiandproperty, Photo Credit to kopiandproperty
clock 04-01-2019
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Living With Your Parents? Why You Should Buy Anyway

The topic of property investment was discussed on a radio talk-show recently. The DJ wanted callers to tell him at what age they bought their first property and the reason(s) for it.

This was a good topic because it was highly likely that only those who had actually bought a property would call in, and hopefully in the course of their sharing, encourage other listeners who had yet to own a home to think about it.

Well, that's exactly what happened. A woman called in and happily shared the following. It has been summarised for easy reading.

Caller: I was 24 when I bought my first property with my husband. Both of us felt that buying a property was a good thing to do.

DJ: Wow, you and your husband are amazing. So, how long did it take for you to save up for the property?

Caller: One year only because both of us were savers. We saved RM20,000 for the downpayment because the house was in Klang and was therefore typically cheaper.

DJ: So, are you staying there now?

Caller: No, I rented it out because we were still staying with our parents.

DJ: Oh, you are not staying there. Then why did you opt to buy?

Caller: We considered it an investment for the future.

The next caller said she bought a property when she was 21, and the DJ asked why she did when she was so young.

She explained that she had started working at around 16 or 17 and thus had saved some money for the property. She sold the property a few years ago and is now staying in a better home.

Dear DJs, if you are NOT ready to speak about a certain topic, it's best not to attempt it at all.

Property investment is something extremely worthwhile and these buyers have shown that they are not speculators but good examples of what other young working professionals should be.

Negative remarks even if uttered jokingly says a lot about your understanding about property investment.

If one still lived with their parents, it becomes even more advantageous to buy a property.

Give part of the rental to your parents instead of taking them out on holidays every now and then.

Doing that is much more encouraging than spending all the money on frivolous pursuits.

This article originally appeared on www.kopiandproperty.com

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