clock 01-12-2018
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Tencent and Alibaba Headquarters Each Earn Coveted MIPM Asia Awards for Designs That Redefine the Workplace

NBBJ, an award-winning architectural and design firm that creates innovative environments for companies like Suning, Amazon, Google and Samsung, is pleased to announce that its designs for Tencent and Alibaba's corporate campuses have each won awards from MIPIM Asia, a leading network of industry leaders. NBBJ's innovative campuses for Tencent and Alibaba bring together the latest neuroscience research with biophilic principles to create healthier work environments that promote creativity, productivity and wellness.

NBBJ is being recognized for its work to create a new breed of offices that are changing the way people work. NBBJ's designs for Tencent and Alibaba are redefining the typical workplace environment with an emphasis on connecting people, bringing in nature and unique amenities, and creating environments where employees and businesses can thrive together.

Tencent Seafront Towers in Shenzhen was awarded with Gold in the Best Office and Business Development category. NBBJ designed the 270,000sqm headquarters, home to 10,000 employees, with social connections and wellbeing in mind. Tencent's headquarters is based on the concept of the Vertical Campus, a pair of towers 50 and 39 stories each that are connected by amenity-filled sky bridges with running tracks, juice bars, gathering spaces and more. The design maximizes the small, compressed land footprint within a dense, urban area while, at the same time, meeting key Tencent objectives: reinforce the Tencent culture; create a significant gateway for guests; activate creativity; and retain talent.

Alibaba's Xixi Campus was awarded with Silver in the Best Chinese Futura Mega Project category. For Alibaba, NBBJ utilized neuroscience research and sustainable design strategies to create a connected environment where every workstation is less than a minute from outdoor green space. The campus features a collection of buildings innovatively organized and linked to create a connected and productive community by integrating offices, open spaces and courtyards, communal seating areas and even outdoor workstations.

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