The Edge Prop, Photo Credit to The Edge Prop
clock 06-09-2018
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Government to Probe Delay of Pan Borneo Highway in Sabah

The government will be looking into the delay of the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway (pictured) in Sabah where funds have been channelled.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the government would be investigating into where the huge amount of funds had gone to as it involved a major development and the government was committed to continue the implementation of the highway even though it maybe delayed from the target date.

He said apart from that, the government was also looking into ways for the highway to avoid crossing into Brunei so as to do away with the process of immigration and to smoothen movements between Sabah and Sarawak.

"The road into Brunei is already there...this is not a problem but if possible, we want a smooth journey (without going into Brunei)," he told a media conference at Istana Qashr Munee here at the end of his two-day official visit to Brunei on Monday, 3 September.

He said several other issues were also discussed briefly in the four-eye meeting between him and Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah at Istana Nurul Iman today and they would be followed up by the relevant officials.

Earlier at a lecture in Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Dr Mahathir said the two main priorities of Malaysia now was to manage the finance of the country especially on managing the country's debt and the question of the government machinery spoiled by the previous administration.

He said these are his major priorities now and the people have been told to be patient before seeing reforms by the Pakatan Harapan government.

On Brunei-Malaysia relations, Dr Mahathir said the two countries have many in common which could assist to strengthen cooperation in various fields together in ASEAN.

He gave the example of language in which Brunei, Malaysia and several other ASEAN countries shared an almost similar language and culture and they represented a large section of ASEAN.

He said differences in views would occur from time to time but they were not long drawn and what was important was that the countries were able to work together looking forward.

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