The Star Online, Photo Credit to The Star Online
clock 11-07-2018
hit 2,579
1Borneo Tenants in Distress After Power Supply Totally Cut Off

Tenants at Sabah's largest mall, 1Borneo Hypermall, are in distress after the Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) completely disconnected their electricity supply for the second time on today, 11 July.

They are asking for the state government to assist in the matter, as they said they are unable to carry out their businesses.

Protesting outside the mall, one of the tenants, only known as Chin said, "Please help us, we have been paying to the management on time. This is not our fault, so why are we paying for it?"

The electricity supply to its air conditioning system was disconnected at about 8.40am, as the mall management had more than RM8million in outstanding bills to SESB.

On June 27, the SESB had partially cut off 1Borneo Hypermall's electricity supply, as they had "done so for the sake of the employees".

The mall management, who owed about RM9.3million to SESB, had since paid around RM700,000 to settle the debt. The power supply was restored the next day (June 28).

However, it is learnt that to date, the mall still failed to settle the outstanding bills, forcing SESB to have no choice but to totally cut off its supply.

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