PropertyGuru, Photo Credit to The Star Online
clock 07-05-2018
hit 1,335
Malaysia Reveals Main High-Speed Rail Contractors

MyHSR Corporation announced the names of the two project delivery partners (PDPs) for the Malaysian portion of the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur High-Speed Rail (HSR), reported The Star.

For the railway's northern part from the Bandar Malaysia Station to the southern side of the Melaka Station, the appointed PDP is a consortium of Gamuda and Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd (MRCB).

According to Gamuda, prior to the appointment, they still need to submit a commitment bond of RM5 million as well as corporate guarantees for the benefit of MyHSR Corp within 14 days.

For the HSR's northern portion, the consortium of YTL Corp and TH Properties was named as the project delivery partner.

"The area for the south package is from the contract boundary, being the first standard viaduct pier on the south side of the Melaka station, to the international boundary between Malaysia and Singapore" said YTL in a filing with the local stock exchange.

Notably, the PDPs are in charge of designing and building the civil infrastructure for the HSR at the stipulated budget and within the set deadline. They will also conduct needed activities throughout the planning, testing, construction and commissioning of the railway, among others.

Expected to be operational by 31 December 2026, the HSR is a massive transportation project whose goal is to significantly reduce the travel time from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur and vice versa to just 1.5 hours.

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