Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 20-03-2018
hit 747
Unique Sabah Behind Tourism Growth, Says Masidi

State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the reason Sabah's tourism industry is growing is that of Sabahans themselves projects a beautiful image to the world.

He said the uniqueness of unity in Sabah has always been commended and should not be damaged and, instead, enhanced by creating initiatives to promote the State.

"Sabah has always been unique in its own ways and this is because of the people, not just the natural beauty.

So Sabahans should be creative in coming up with ideas to promote the State and not just rely on its natural beauty," he said when officiating at the 100th Year Celebration of the Sabah Tourism Building, Friday, 16 March.

Also present were Sabah Tourism Board Chairman Datuk Jonistun Bangkuai and Mayor Datuk Yeo Boon Hai.

Masidi reminded the people to appreciate the white structure not only because it has been standing for a century but also because of the experience it has gone through.

"We fondly know this building as the Old Post Office and the State Government officially gazetted it as a Historical Building in 1988.

"We must appreciate the fact that this great white structure survived a war, endured developments surrounding it and weathered the test of time," he said.

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