Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 12-03-2018
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Refer Flyover Objection to Firm, Says Minister

Any comment or proposal involving the construction of an upcoming flyover passing through Benoni roundabout here needs to be referred to Borneo Highway PDP Sdn Bhd (BHP), the appointed delivery partner for the Pan Borneo Highway (PBH) Sabah project, and Public Works Department (PWD) Sabah for amicable discussion.

Works Deputy Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said BHP and PWD Sabah have been appointed by the Government to implement and supervise the infrastructure development of the PBH Sabah project.

She said she was made to understand that the proposal to build the flyover is part of the mega project PBH implementation in Sabah.

"BHP and PWD Sabah are entrusted not only to implement and supervise progress of the Pan Borneo Highway project but also to address related issues.

"Both are open to hearing any suggestions or proposals before any decision is made as the Government's priorities here are the convenience and safety of the road users in coming years while the Works Ministry is only acting to monitor the implementation of the mega project," she said.

Rosnah was commenting on a plea by the business community at the Benoni Commercial Centre (BCC) as well as those in the township here who worry that the upcoming flyover may affect their business growth.

On Feb. 19, the paper reported that the Government should reconsider its plan to build a flyover along the Papar-Benoni-Beaufort route as it is not viable at the moment.

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Sec-Gen Datuk Johnny Mositun, who made the call, said constructing the flyover would affect business growth at the BCC and business activities in the township.

He was reported as saying that the business community especially new owners at BCC are worried that the regular and new travellers from Lawas, Brunei Darussalam, Labuan and even Tawau may overlook to stop by at the BCC and the township as they would just continue to drive passing through the flyover heading to their destinations.

On whether the plan to build the flyover is viable or not, Rosnah said she leaves it to the technical agency, PWD Sabah to look into such proposed move.

"I would advise that the concerned quarters like the business community here to get technical advice from the PWD Sabah and BHP to evaluate whether their request, comment and suggestions can be considered.

"Hence, we leave it to the wisdom of BHP and PWD Sabah to address this via a two-way communication with the concerned quarters (business community and leaders)," Rosnah said.

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