New Sabah Times, Photo Credit to New Sabah Times
clock 23-02-2018
hit 878
Sabah Should Hold Singapore as Economic Diversification Example

Sabah could learn from Singapore in terms of economic diversification, human resource development and city planning, says Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Raymond Tan Shu Kiah.

"Singapore has achieved successes in numerous fields and we can learn from them.”

Raymond was speaking to the press at a Chinese New Year luncheon with the media on Thursday, 22 February.

He added that Sabah was diversifying its own economy from being primarily timber based to service based like tourism because the state has high tourism value.

"Here, we are also blessed with plenty of natural resources which can be turned into products, food and beverages even oil and gas.”

On the other hand, Raymond as cited said that Singapore is booming in terms of tourism sector where latest record shows 25 million tourists which was five times of its population, visit the country.

"Their land space is limited. With that huge number of people, they need more food industry to meet the demand. As for us, we have the ability to produce their need. By developing food industry we can go into Singapore industry.

"A lot of business can be done between Sabah and Singapore" said Raymond who was part of a high-powered Sabah delegation led by Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman that paid a courtesy call on the Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong recently.

During the visit, Lee and Musa had discussed ways to improve cooperation in various areas.

Lee had expressed interest in developing closer relation between the island republic and East Malaysia.

He also said he would like to make another visit to Sabah soon, noting that he last visited Sabah in 1984.

Among those in the delegation were Deputy Chief Minister and state Infrastructure Development Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, Special Tasks Minister Datuk Seri Teo Chee Kang and State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman.

Meanwhile, in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration, Raymond said that it is important to know and understand the family roots and heritage.

"My family has been through a long journey, migrating from far away land to here and there. But since we are now Malaysians, we are responsible to develop the country.

"This is our home and each one of us have a role to make it a better place.”

Also present was Industrial Development Ministry permanent secretary Datuk Hashim Paijan

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