Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 19-02-2018
hit 6,427
SESB Enhances Its Bill Payment Facilities

Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) always provide and increase facilities to cater consumers' need in paying the electricity bills to their clients in Sabah and Labuan. Corporate Communication General Manager, Chendramata Sinteh said SESB wants all channel of payment to be easily accessible so that electric bills can be settled at any place and time.

Presently, SESB has payment counters in the offices in Sabah, Labuan, Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) Kota Kinabalu and other agents of payments.

"SESB has also installed a payment machine at its headquarters in Wisma SESB which is opened 24-hour while in Sandakan, Tawau and Labuan, it is operational everyday starting 8am until 9pm.

"The number of these payment machines will be increased to cater number of clients which is growing," he said in a statement here on Wednesday.

Chendramata said the 'Drive Thru' facility is also provided at the SESB headquarters here and Labuan that is operational during office hours from 8am until 5pm.

Apart from this, she said the payment can also be made through the Malaysia Post office, other authorities' counters that registered with SESB, Alliance Bank, BSN, Maybank2u and Public Bank.

In some banks, she said the Sesb bills can be settled through cash deposit machines, automated teller machines, telephone banking or online banking such as Maybank, HSBC, CIMB, Public Bank, Ambank, Alliance Bank, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat, Kuwait Finance House, Agro Bank and Bank Simpanan Nasional.

More information on the electrical bills, generally, can be found by surfing the Sesb's website at www.sesb.com.my.

Meanwhile, public and customers can lodge complaint and provide information on power disruptions or any enquiries through 15454 line, 1-800-88-1135, WhatsApp at 019-852 5427 and Sesb website (Talk to Us).

Customers can also obtain information on schedule of power disturbance or latest information on the power disruptions through RTM channels and Facebook Sesb's Page.

In addition, Sesb also has a system that inform power disturbance/closing of power supply through Service Messaging System (SMS) called Infoblast.

Those who wish to engage this Infoblast service can register the mobile phone number and their residential area through email at cmc.admin@sesb.com.my or through WhatsApp at 019- 852 5427.

Chendramata said Sesb will continue to make efforts in rendering the best service to all users in Sabah and Labuan.

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