Daily Express, Photo Credit to The Star Online
clock 01-02-2018
hit 1,115
Channel Grouses on Pan Borneo to Relevant Website

The local community are advised to channel complaints related to the Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak Project to the relevant Facebook.

Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said direct complaints to the website would enable the project implementation partner (PDP) and contractor concerned to take note and duly address issues, such as safety and damaged roads.

"Direct your complaints to the site so that we can promptly act to resolve the problem.

Sometimes the public misunderstand and think that all the roads are the Pan Borneo Highway.

"Nevertheless, even if the complaints are about roads that are not under its jurisdiction, our task force will assist in channelling the problem to the relevant party," he told a media conference today.

Earlier, Fadillah chaired a dialogue on traffic management plan (TMP) related to the project involving relevant agencies at a hotel here.

He said based on the ministry's standard operating procedure, every complaint would be acted on swiftly.

"It depends on the nature of the complaint. If it is simple such as potholes, then action must be taken within two hours. But if it involves structural failure, it may take longer, sometimes requiring additional funds," he said.

Meanwhile, Fadillah said the PDP and contractor had been reminded to improve their respective TMP, failing which the ministry would appoint another party.

"This is a final warning from the ministry; if it is not heeded, we will take action by appointing a third party to ensure that the TMP is followed.

"When this happens we will reduce the value of the contract that had been offered to the PDP and contractor," he said.

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