The Borneo Post , Photo Credit to The Borneo Post
clock 25-01-2018
hit 695
RM6.6 Billion to Ensure Quality Infrastructure Across Malaysia

A total of RM6.6 billion has been allocated towards providing quality infrastructure across the country under the Fourth Thrust of the 2018 Budget - Driving Inclusive Development.

Minister of Works Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said the infrastructure includes Pan-Borneo Highway; people-centric projects, the development of communication infrastructure and the construction of roads in rural areas.

He noted that Malaysia was actually on par with developed countries in terms of road infrastructure.

"For example, we are using the Highway Information Modelling (HIM) in implementing the 2,239km Pan-Borneo Highway which aims to increase connectivity in Sabah and Sarawak.

"HIM utilises a combination of Geospatial Information System (GIS) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) which are designed to minimise errors and rework during construction in ensuring optimisation of resources" he said in his keynote address entitled ‘Outlook of Malaysian Road Infrastructure' at the International Energy Week in BCCK here yesterday.

Fadillah acknowledged that infrastructure development was one of the criteria in defining a nation's stability and growth.

He said in Malaysia's context, it had also been the basis of the comprehensive 2018 Budget where ‘the combination of advanced and sustainable infrastructure development upholds the theme of serving our citizens' needs.'

In particular, he noted that roads are identified as important elements to ensure access to basic amenities, in elevating productivity, connectivity and improving service delivery in the supply chain.

"As such, developing the nation's infrastructure is established as one of the six strategic thrusts of the 11th Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 (11th MP) where efforts to catalyse progress and improve our citizen's wellbeing is prioritised with infrastructure development taking a big chunk of the overall approved allocations.

"Furthermore, mega infrastructure projects throughout Malaysia under the 11th MP are largely responsible for the 8.3 per cent growth in the construction industry in 2017.

"These projects include the East Coast Rail Line (ECRL), Mass Rapid Transit project (MRT) and Pan-Borneo Highway" he said.

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