Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 02-01-2018
hit 3,736
Sabah to Continue Implementing Key Development Projects in 2018

The Sabah government will continue with the implementation of key development projects in 2018 for the benefit of the people, said Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman.

In a New Year message, he said these included infrastructure projects such as the Pan Borneo Highway, the issuing of communal land titles and ensuring that the Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej) met their goals.

"In tandem with that, it is our (state government) vision to see the quality and affordable housing for Malaysians in Sabah, and we are working with the federal government to ensure that education and healthcare remain priorities.

"I wish to call on us all to close ranks and to be focused on our joint agenda to develop Sabah.

"Do not allow parochial thinking to close our minds as we need to work with the rest of the country in order to enjoy progress" he said as he urged the people to strengthen unity to allow progress to continue in the state.

Musa said Sabah had, over the past decade, transformed itself into becoming a state that was increasingly competitive within Malaysia and this region.

This was due to the consistent efforts in improving the economy, taking care of the welfare of the people, maintaining political stability and ensuring that development reached those who needed it most, he said.

"The ability to adapt to changes and to evolve in a fast-paced global economy requires us to transform our thinking.

"Malaysia's transformation towards a high-income nation is on track with the various policies that have been introduced in the past decade.

"Under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia is on the right track towards achieving greater progress and equitable development throughout the country" he said.

Musa said diverse programmes had been rolled out, leveraging on Malaysia's strengths and were now bearing fruit for the country and the people.

He noted that the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and Government Transformation Programme (GTP) provided Sabah with the right footing to compete in the region and in a challenging world.

He said that in January 2018, it would be 10 years since the Sabah Development Corridor had been in place since its launch and "we have seen how the focus on tourism and logistics, palm oil and the oil and gas sectors are creating new sources of growth”.

"Projects that are generated via these initiatives are not only creating more local entrepreneurs but are also helping generate a pool of knowledge workers" he said.

Musa said there had been many positive spin-offs from Sabah's vibrant economy that was based on diverse sectors and were in line with Sabah's Halatuju or State Development Agenda.

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