clock 18-11-2017
hit 3,029
Property Hunter Courtesy Call to DBKK

Property Hunter made a courtesy call to DBKK and Mayor Datuk Yeo Boon Hai to establish a working relationship to cover future topics in terms of news and as a source of reliable information.

Michael Hiew, Director of Maxx Media (S) Sdn Bhd, parent company of Property Hunter said that it would be a good relationship to nurture and who else better to talk about issues relating to Kota Kinabalu city other than DBKK.

In addition to that, Property Hunter also extended an invitation to Datuk Mayor to attend Property Hunter Convention 2018 as a special guest. The convention will feature talks from experts on a wide array of topics for first-time property seekers to industry experts.

This initiative by Property Hunter is in line with the company's strive for excellence and be a relevant and trusted source of information for the public. Property Hunter hopes to nurture and grow this relationship with DBKK and bring about further discussions in the future.

The courtesy call ended with a presentation of a memento to the Mayor from Property Hunter as a symbol of good faith and gratitude.

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