Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Bernama
clock 04-10-2017
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Sabah’s Financial Management ‘Definitely Best’ in Malaysia

Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Haji Aman is proud that Sabah's financial management is the best in Malaysia.

"During the National Finance Council meeting, the Auditor General always reports on which states that achieve high rating (in financial management). And Sabah is definitely the best.

"As the Chief Minister, I feel proud of this achievement" Musa said at the presentation of excellent financial management awards to State ministries, departments and agencies based on the National Audit Department's accountability index for the year 2015 and 2016 on Tuesday, 3 October.

The event saw the presentation of a pewter plaque and RM15,000 incentive to 25 State ministries, departments and agencies which had attained five-star rating in 2015, followed by 22 State ministries, departments and agencies in 2016.

Musa, who is also Sabah Finance Minister, said only a few State departments and agencies were accorded the top rating in accountability index back in 2007.

"But if we are committed, transparent, competent in executing our responsibilities, we will definitely achieve success and five-star rating. This has become a reality as our performances improved year after year" he said.

In 2015, Musa said 25 of the State ministries, departments and agencies achieved the five-star rating under the accountability index, the highest among all the Malaysian states.

According to him, the success of a ministry, department or agency could also create healthy competition for the others. In the past, Musa said the district councils' financial records were not good. However, when district councils such as Tambunan, Papar and Beluran successfully achieved five-star rating one by one, others began thinking of attaining the top rating as well, he said.

"Hence, we see the district councils working hard with transparency until almost all the district councils in Sabah have obtained five stars" he disclosed.

Musa said the award presentation ceremony yesterday was a form of appreciation by the State Government to the ministries, departments and agencies that have worked hard with sincerity to enable them to achieve the top rating.

"We, in Sabah, should be proud of this. But, we must not be complacent. We must improve our performances from time to time" he reminded.

Musa also said he is aware that some agencies and departments have made mistakes in the past.

"We are not perfect. More importantly, we realize that if we are not sincere, honest and trustworthy, we will face the consequences" he said.

Musa also urged all ministries, departments and agencies to continue their hard work to achieve the five-star rating.

"So long as we have the will, nothing is impossible" he said

Also present were deputy Auditor-General Tuan Haji Khalid Khan bin Abdullah Khan, representing Auditor General Tan Sri Dr Madinah binti Mohamad, State Secretary Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, Datuk Pg Hassanel bin Datuk Pg Haji Mohd Tahir and State Cabinet ministers.

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