Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Free Malaysia Today
clock 20-09-2017
hit 851
Building Owners Refuse to Pay for Safety Features

Many buildings in the country do not have Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) certification mainly because the owners refuse to fork out extra money to meet the necessary requirements to improve the safety features of their premises.

Bomba director-general Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim said this attitude among building owners sometimes led to tragic consequences, particularly during a fire when the occupants were trapped inside with no foreseeable way out.

He said the excuse many building owners gave for not obtaining Bomba certification was that they could not afford the expenses required to meet design and safety features for fire prevention.

"What they (building owners) do not realise is that they are endangering the lives of others, which is a bigger loss that money could not make up for" he said when contacted by Bernama.

He said certain procedures had to be met before the construction of a building could begin.

"The architect has to submit the building design and plan to the local government authority for approval, like the sewage and drainage system, as well as other agencies for installation of electricity and water supply.

"The Bomba will review things from a safety aspect, in terms of the design and safety features, like fire-fighting equipment" he said.

Wan Mohd Nor said the process took only 37 days, following which the building contractor could start work on the project according to the design and specifications approved by the local government authority.

He said the Bomba would carry out the final inspection of the building after it was completed, and after the Certificate of Fitness (CF) or Temporary Certificate of Fitness (TCF) or Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) had been obtained.

If all fire safety systems and installations are in order, a certification is issued within five days after the payment of a fee, he said, adding that the certification was valid for 12 months.

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