Borneo Post, Photo Credit to The Rakyat Post
clock 24-03-2017
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Push for Faster, Cheaper Internet Access in Sabah

A future Internet Exchange Point (IXP) infrastructure in Sabah will be the key to faster and cheaper Internet connection for the people.

"I am informed, ICT Infrastructure such as an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) is essential to improve Sabah's ICT capabilities.

"An IXP is a key part of the Internet ecosystem and represents a vital way to increase the affordability and quality of connectivity in local communities" said State Assembly Deputy Speaker Datuk Johnny Mositun.

He added that the IXP, a physical network access point through which major network providers connect their networks and exchange traffic, would also enable local networks to efficiently exchange information by eliminating the need to exchange local Internet traffic overseas.

"They further complement and improve the functioning of other parts of the Internet ecosystem by offloading local traffic from congested and more expensive international links, thereby creating opportunities for a competitive environment" he elaborated when officiating at the ITCC (International Technology Commercial Centre) Sabah Peering Talk 2017 launch.

The organising chairman, Kota Integriti Sdn Bhd director, Alexander Hugo Malakun, said, the talk is geared towards ICT development and education among Sabahans by bringing together established local and foreign technology driven companies to share and network among ICT stakeholders in East Malaysia.

"Our aspiration is for foreign direct investment, especially, in the ICT sector and to build one of the first Internet exchange points in Sabah" said Hugo.

"Currently there is only one Internet Exchange Point serving the whole of Malaysia, which is in Kuala Lumpur. More developed countries, such as Hong Kong and Singapore, has more than six in each country.

"One of the things we are trying to do today (at the talk) is to educate Sabahans on Internet Exchange Points and hopefully the state government and public sector will combine with the private sector to realise this dream of ours" he added.

Although the establishment of Sabah's own IXP will boost existing Internet connections that are equipped with the necessary infrastructures and facilities, Hugo hastened to add that faster and cheaper Internet cannot be achieved with the IXP infrastructure alone.

"One of the key infrastructures is an Internet Exchange Point but there are many more infrastructures needed, for example, Internet transit and more fibre cables in Sabah" he explained.

"We require more towers, which are being built by the state and federal government right now, and fibre optics that will also help in rural areas" emphasised Hugo.

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