clock 27-05-2020
hit 913
Property Hunter Website Traffic Surged by 30%

Property Hunter launched a 1-month online property sales campaign to help the public find discounted properties both for rent and for sale. The campaign has received positive feedback and resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic.

The campaign, known as the Big Property Hunter Sale campaign, runs from 15 May to 15 June 2020. During this campaign, Property Hunter collaborated with local agencies and developer to promote selected properties that are offering good discount. The range of properties include condominiums, apartments, landed houses, shoplots, factories as well as land.

Buyers are searching

The increase in website footfall contributed by the sale campaign indicates that buyers and renters are looking for good value properties during this period. “We launched this campaign with the aim of helping buyers find properties of great value and making property ownership accessible to all” says Victor Yong, Director of Property Hunter.

Promoting local businesses

Throughout this campaign, Property Hunter also collaborated with local F&B vendors such as Boboi Fried Chicken (trust us, you really must try this!) and Mag’Sta Pasta where all enquiries made on are entitled to free food vouchers. This is part of Property Hunter’s efforts to help promote local businesses and hopefully bring more sales to the partner vendors.

The following features are also available through the Big Property Hunter Sale campaign period:

  • Ask the professionals

Visitors can interact online through messenger chat and ask any question related to property, mortgage or legal issues.

  • Free food voucher

All enquiries made online are entitled to Free food voucher.

  • Weekly FB Live

Join the conversation through weekly live chat session with property personalities on, every Tuesday.

  • Weekly Video content

New video contents are released on every Thursday.

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