Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Free Malaysia Today
clock 10-09-2019
hit 624
4 Hazards Old Electrical Wiring Systems Pose

Most home owners make the mistake of assuming that an old electrical system can not harm you in any way. In truth, an old electrical system can seriously risk your safety.

Here are four ways how an old electrical wiring system can harm you:

1. Faulty plug outlets and old wiring systems can cause fire

One of the most common hazards that faulty plug outlets can cause are electrical sparks which may lead to a fire. Reports from all over the globe state that faulty plug outlets and defective appliances are the number one cause of electrical fires.

An old wiring system can also pose fire hazards. The fact that these systems are often hidden inside your walls and behind fuse boxes makes it even more dangerous because it could be happening right under your nose.

When was the last time you scheduled an electrical inspection? Do get an expert to check for faulty wiring systems regularly.

2. High electricity consumption

A damaged wiring system such as a frayed electrical cord can cause the temperature of the power line to rise up. This means that most of the power supplied does not reach the intended destination.

Most of the electrical charge either circulates or lays stagnant in the cord before ultimately discharging to the ground and increasing your monthly bill.

3. Electrocution risk

Another danger is that frayed cords or faulty plug outlets can leak electricity. You are vulnerable to the risk of electrocution which could prove lethal.

4. Power trip

In most cases, your circuit breaker will trip as a fail-safe to prevent your circuits from overloading and catching fire. This means that your circuit breaker is working fine.

Schedule an electrical inspection immediately if you experience frequent blackouts due to circuit breaker trips in your home.

If left unattended, a faulty electrical system can cause issues such as fires, blackouts and high electricity consumption.

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